Buy 100 woven labels and get 50 more for FREE

Our most popular sale is back for a limited time. This sale has ended.

  • Buy 100 woven labels for $100 in damask, satin or taffeta and get additional 50 labels for free
  • Buy 500 woven labels for $290 in damask, satin or taffeta and get
    additional 100 labels for free
  • Buy 1000 woven labels for $390 in damask, satin or taffeta and get additional 250 labels for free
  • Orders of 500 or 1000 can include up to 4 size lots (S, M, L, etc…)
  • Label size can be 2” x 3.5” or smaller
  • Includes up to 6 colors
  • Includes any type of folding or finishing option (flat, looped, end folded)
  • Normal lead time is 14 days.

Email your artwork (high resolution .pdf or better) to and mention this offer.