Using Metallic Thread in Woven Clothing Labels

Gold and Silver Metallic accents

Metallic thread is an option we offer on our clothes labels. This alternative is best used in conjuction with our regular damask woven labels. The advantages of metallic threads is to add a little glitz or sparkle to your design or logo. A little bling. It can make an orginary design stand out and catch the customers eye. We can offer silver or gold. It’s best to use only as a highlight and not used on the entire label. These thread holds many of the same characteristics as real metal. Meaning, if the logo has a lot of metal accents then they can be scratchy if worn next to the skin. The last thing you want if for your customer to remove your label and have no way to remember how or where to buy more!

Another way to add a little shine to your clothes tag is to ask for a sateen logo with a damask background. Sateen has a shimmer to it and looks fantastic against the less reflective damask label. Sateen is available in many colors and there is no additional cost to add metallic or sateen to your clothing labels so don’t forget to ask.

Sateen accents on damask woven labels