Using care symbols on your garment label offers many advantages. The care symbols can take the place of writing out all the separate instructions line by line, thus saving space on the clothing label. That can be of great importance if your label is being sewn into childrens clothing or fitness clothing. The size of the label means that it will be smaller and more comfortable for the consumer. The last thing you want is for your label to be removed and thrown out!
Also, because care symbols are universal, your merchandise can be offered in other countries without having to be translated into other languages. Let us know if you’d prefer using care symbols on your next order of printed fabric labels or woven labels and we will be glad to convert your instructions to the equal symbol.
Here is a link that offers great insight into what is required by law and also what is exempt.
Here is a link for care symbols used NAFTA for the United States, Mexico and Canada.
Here is a link for ISO/Ginetex care symbols accepted in most of Europe and Asia.